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The history of the discovery of coffee Part 2

Coffee Reached the European Market

Coffee beans brought in first time to Europe was officially on tahun1615 by a merchant of Venice. he got his supply of coffee beans from the people of Turkey, but this amount is not sufficient market demand. "That, Europeans began to create them. the Netherlands was one of the first European countries to successfully create them in the year 1616. Later in the year 1690, coffee beans were brought to the island of Java to dikultivasi massively. At that time, Indonesia is still the Netherlands Colonial possessions.

To Reach Martinique, France

In about the year 1714, the King of France Louis XIV received the donation from the Netherlands coffee tree as a complement of its collection in the Royal Botanical Gardens of Paris, the Jardin des Plantes. at the same time, the Navy named Gabriel born Mathieu in Clieu wants to bring some of the trees to be brought keMartinique. However, it was rejected by Louis XIV and in return, he led an army to sneak into the Jardin des Plantes to steal the coffee plant.

The success of Gabriel Mathieu in Clieu brought coffee plants to Martinique is a huge achievement. this is due to cultivation of coffee in there pretty well. Only in the past 50 years, there have been approximately 18 million trees of various varieties of coffee. Progeny from this being one of the sources of the wealth of types of coffee in the world.

Coffee flowers to Brazil

The Cafe Royal, one of the first coffee shops
 in London
In 1727, the Government of Brazil initiative to lower the market price of coffee in its territory, because at that time the coffee is still sold at a high price and can only be enjoyed by the elite. Therefore, Brazil Government sends a special agent, Lieutenant Colonel Francisco de Melo Palheta, for sneaking into France and brought home some seedlings of coffee. Coffee plantations in France has very strict care so that it does not allow. Palheta ever looking the other way in a way approaching the Governor's wife. As a result of her hard work, she brought home a bouquet containing plenty of coffee beans provided by the Governor's wife after dinner. From the tip-tops this is the nation of Brazil succeeded in cultivating coffee in a very large scale, so it can be consumed by everyone.

Time Line

The history of the discovery of coffee has started thousands of years ago. The following briefly its history.
• 1000 BC: Arab Merchants carried coffee beans to the area east of the
   Tengahdan create them for the first time in history.
• 1453: Ottoman Turkey introduced coffee drinks in Constantinople. There was    opened the first coffee shop in the world named Kiva Han in 1475.

• 1511: coffee beverages are considered sacred by the Sultan of Mecca as a
   follow-up action of the Beg Khait wants to ban circulation of copies.

• 1600: Pope Clement VIII allow Christians to drink coffee after various  

   debate because the drink is derived from the imperiumOttoman. In the   

   same     year, coffee drinks walked into Italy.

• 1607: Captain John Smith introduced the coffee drinks in North America 

   while on duty to find the Virginia Colony at Jamestown.

• 1645: Italy's first coffee house was opened.
• 1652: the United Kingdom's first coffee house was opened and soon 
   mushroomed into various corners in each area.
• 1668: beer is replaced by coffee as a favorite drink in New York.
• 1672: the first coffee house was opened in Paris.
• 1675: Franz Georg Kolschitzky discovered coffee beans and claim it as a 
   prize in the event of war in Viena. After that, he opened a coffee shop in 
   Central Europe and sell coffee drinks that have been filtered, given the 
   sweetener, and milk.
• 1690: the Netherlands started to distribute and brewed coffee beans 
   commercially in Ceylon and Java.
• 1714: Gabriel Mathieu do Clieu managed to steal the coffee beans from the 
   Netherlands to accompany the count to the French King Louis XIV and 
   planted it diMartinik which is the source of 90% of the world's coffee crop at
   this time.
• 1721: first coffee house was opened in Berlin.
• 1727: the Era of the coffee industry in Brazil was started and it was 
   spearheaded by Lieutenant Colonel Francisco de Melo Palheta.
• 1775: The Frederick of Prussia to block all imports of green coffee which is 
   then immediately denounced by the people.
• 1900: company Hill Bros. commercializing canned coffee drinks.
• 1901: Satori Kato manages to produce fast-food coffee drinks.
• 1903: Ludwig Roselius, a descendant of the German managed to separate
   the kafeindari coffee beans and sells its products under the name Sanka in 
   the United States.
• 1920: coffee Sales in the United States increased sharply.
• 1938: Nestle Company commercializing a product named Nescafe coffee in 
• 1946: Achilles Gaggia Coffee mokacino succeeded for the first time.

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