15 Jan 2017 0 comments

Anyone who shares the goal of combating desertification, land degradation and drought (DLDD) will tell you that 20 September 2011 was a historic date. For the first time in two decades, more than 1...

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15 Jan 2017 0 comments

Success or failure in preventing land degradation and restoring degraded land is not a question of a lack of knowledge. Information from global sources is out there, but a key challenge is ensurin...

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05 Jan 2017 0 comments

Akhir akhir ini saya merasa asing di negeriku. Setelah memasuki tahun ke3 pensiun dari pengabdian di TNI , ada penistaan Alquran begitu sulit untuk ditersangkakan, bahkan karena sulitnya membua...

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02 Jan 2017 0 comments

“Kemerdekaan indonesia memang tidak lepas dari para santri dan ulama, karena memang tak hanya tentara yang berperang melawan penjajah, tercatat banyak ulama dan santri yang ikut berperang untuk...

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19 Dec 2016 0 comments

Over the past four months, American intelligence agencies and aides to President Obama assembled a menu of options to respond to Russia’s hacking during the election, rangi...

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19 Dec 2016 0 comments

Rusia menyatakan pembunuhan Duta Besar, Andrey Karlov, di ibokota Ankara, Turki, sebagai sebagai tindak terorisme. Terlihat Karlov sedang memberikan pidato kemudian seorang pria yang...

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06 Dec 2016 0 comments

  Korban gempa berkekuatan 6,4 skala richter terpaksa dievakuasi ke Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (RSUD) Sigli, Kabupaten Pidie, mengingat penanganan di RSUD Kabupaten Pidie Jaya lamban akibat ...

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05 Dec 2016 0 comments

  Empat langkah rutin ini akan memandu Anda untuk mempraktekkan cara mudah merawat Kulit anda agar tampak cerah dan lebih segar bercahaya seperti yang selalu Anda impikan.... PEMBERSIH &nb...

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Alternative Medicine Currently Most Preferred

There are elective medicines that as of now the majority of the dimasyarakat does not yet have a solid logical confirmation and for the most part simply in light of the encounters of patients as it were. Though the logical proof to exhibit the security, adequacy and nature of a treatment. 

These conditions that make the option treatment is for the most part not prescribed by specialists in light of the fact that the patient will leave its primary useful solution to treat the sickness. 

In any case, a portion of the accompanying option medication still cherished numerous individuals, for example, the accompanying: 


Homeopathy is a type of option pharmaceutical in which wellbeing specialists will treat patients by utilizing the standard of an infection can be cured with regular fixings that might be the cause. 

Homeopathic cures asserted to work in conjunction with the resistant framework and guard itself from the assaults of the sickness. This implies homeopathy can animate expands the body's imperviousness to contamination, speed recuperating and anticipate difficulties without reactions. 


Entrancing is for the most part utilized for healing purposes, particularly on account of habit, where somebody can not stop even subsequent to attempting different strategies. 

There are additionally different advantages, for example, weight reduction, spellbinding cure memory issues, absence of rest, the trouble, the confusion of urgent fixation, faltering, certainty, bashfulness, work structures, skin issues, open talking, nervousness, torment, issue of propensities, and the sky is the limit from there. Trance Hypnotherapy is known as. 

Grain white rice 

Grain white rice is the way conventional treatment to expel the bodily fluid from the body by utilizing home created herb. In the convention of occupants of Imogiri, DIY, grain white rice is finished with the shed leaf remove Srigunggu (Clerodendron Serratum) mouth or nostrils, played out the sinden to keep up sound quality. 

All the while, home of shading utilized is not generally leaves Srigunggu. A few specialists utilize different sorts of foliage, even kitchen flavors, for example, bean stew and turmeric. 


Ceragem treatment is treatment that utilizations jade Korea with infrared innovation. Infra-red shafts can infiltrate the body up to 14 cm at specific focuses so that the body feels warm. 

The warmed jade would later move to different parts of the body that is not yet hot. This is the thing that makes the patient's blood dissemination to be smooth. The patient so much rest so would do well to rest quality. 


As option treatments, bekam hones or in Arabic hijamah alluded increasingly looked for after. This messy blood recovery system could conquer different wellbeing issue, particularly high blood cholesterol. 

Bekam separated into dry and wet bekam. On a wet, filthy bekam blood issued from the blood vessel vessels. Since there is a section that is sliced, it must be finished by a prepared individual. While just a get bekam are siphoned dry to determine protests as light as enters the wind, should be possible by anybody. 


Acupuncture is an awesome option solution from China by method for embeddings or adhering them needle to the body. Needle therapy demonstrated logical to treat torment and sickness after surgery. In spite of the fact that for the torment, a few people still consider it the misleading impact or the recommendation as it were. 

Presently, needle therapy has been "traded" to different nations around the globe. In European nations, for example, the United Kingdom, about a large portion of the therapeutic needle therapy preparing specialists to have the capacity to practice this aptitude in managing patients.
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