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Kupi Luwak

Kupi Luwak is steeping coffee using coffee beans taken from the rest of the Palm Civet, Civet droppings/. Coffee beans is believed to have a different taste after eaten and passed through the digestive tract of Civet. This coffee is known in Southeast Asia has long been known, but recently became popular broad interest in gourmet coffee after the publication in the 1980s. The seeds of kopi luwak is the most expensive in the world, reach USD100 per 450 grams.

The origin of Luwak Coffee is closely related to the history of the cultivation of coffee plant in Indonesia. At the beginning of the 18th century, the Netherlands opened up a commercial crop plantations in the Netherlands East Indies colonies mainly in Java and Sumatra. One of them is the Arabica coffee seeds imported from Yemen. In the era of "Forcible Planting" or cultivation system (1859 — 1870), Netherlands banning native plantation workers picking fruit coffee for personal consumption, but local residents wanted to try the famous coffee drink that. Then the estate workers finally found that there is a kind of weasel who was fond of eating the coffee fruit, but only the meat of the fruit that is undigested, epidermis and coffee beans are still intact and undigested. Coffee beans in Civet droppings are then dipunguti, washed, roasted peanuts, crushed, and then brewed with hot water, then with the help of Civet coffee.  The word on the pleasures of this aromatic coffee wafted by the Netherlands eventually plantation owners, then it became the coffee craze then the wealthy Netherlands. Because of their rarity and the manufacturing process, the kopi luwak coffee is also expensive since colonial times.

Mongoose, Civet, Civet or the full love to find a pretty good fruit and ripe fruits include coffee as its food. With the sense of smell sensitive, Civet coffee fruit that would choose exactly the optimal as the food is cooked, and afterwards, the coffee beans are still protected the hard skin and undigested going out along the Civet droppings. This happens because the Mongoose have a simple digestive system, so that the food is as hard as undigested coffee beans. Civet coffee beans like this, in the past until now often hunted coffee farmers, because it is believed to be derived from the best coffee beans and it has been naturally fermented in the Civet's digestive system. Aroma and flavor of kopi luwak is indeed feels special and perfect amongst the fans and coffee lovers around the world.

Coffee Luwak is given by the President of Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to Australia, PRIME MINISTER Kevin Rudd, on a visit to Australia in early March 2010 to the attention of the press Australia because according to the Bureau of Quarantine Australia not through inspection first. The press dubbed him dung diplomacy.

Producing Areas

  • Gayo, Aceh
  • Sidikalang
  • Desa Janji Maria, Kecamatan Barumun Tengah, Kabupaten Padang Lawas, 40 kilometer dari Laguboti.
  • Kota Pagaralam
  • Semende, Kabupaten Muara Enim
  • Liwa, Kabupaten Lampung Barat
  • Kotabumi, Lampung
  • Jawa Barat
  • Jawa Timur


An investigation in Takengon, Aceh by MAP is teaming up with the BBC to reveal about a captive that contains Civet captured from nature, inserted in a small cage, and only fed coffee beans every day just to take one that is then processed into Civet coffee. Not only that, the Mongoose-Mongoose it also be behaving not normal like constantly moving, swirling, pacing and bite kerangkeng.
The movement to boycott the kopi luwak ever created. Objections concerning tersebutpun sprung mainly from among the manufacturers of kopi luwak


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