For the coffee plants spread to Indonesia that brings the Netherlands-born in the 17th century the Arabica beans get mocca Arabia to Batavia (Jakarta). Arabica coffee was first grown and developed in the area of land use partikelir Jatinegara, Jakarta, Kesawung which is now better known coffee Hut. The spread of the coffee plant in addition also the Gayo Highlands, Central Aceh. From colonial times to the present Netherlands Gayo coffee in particular has become a staple of most community livelihood Gayo has even become the center of the only coffee export quality factory in Central Aceh region. In addition to that archaeological evidence in the form of residual drying coffee factory Netherlands colonial in the village, Subdistrict Porak Wih Silih Nara, Central Aceh have provided clarity that the coffee in the past has been an important commodity economy.
The Role Of the Netherlands and Gayo coffee
The presence of the powers of the Netherlands in tahun1904 Gayo lands immediately followed by the presence of the newcomers-newcomers to the other. In the middle ages made wilayahAceh onder afdeeling Nordkus Atjeh with Sigli as its capital. On the other hand, the presence of the Netherlands has also given new livelihoods by opening up the estate, one of them in the land of coffee groves Gayo (at an altitude of 1,000-1,700 m above sea level)
Before the Gayo Highlands present in coffee, tea and pepper plants have been introduced. According to agricultural experts Netherlands JH Heyl in his book titled Pepercultuur in Atjeh explains pepper plants originally brought from Mandagaskar (East Africa) in the 19th century VII or VIII to the land of Aceh (Zainuddin, 1961:264). Unfortunately the second crop is less serious attention from the colonial Government. In the end the Netherlands then introduced and opened the first coffee plantations covering an area of 100 ha in 1918 in the area of striped Gele, which now includes Bebesen, Aceh Tengah Sub-district. In addition to the opening of the estate, 1920 's, emerging communities around Gayo coffee plantation, and the Netherlands in 1925-1930 they opened a new history by opening people's coffee orchards. Open it based on knowledge gained by farmers due to the neighboring Netherlands that plantation. In the late 1930s four Hometown has been standing in gardens in the Netherlands striped Gele, Kampung Gajah, Atu striped Gele, Paya Sawi, and Pantan Peseng (Melalatoa, 2003:51).
One of the proofs of Antiquities relating to commodities of coffee is in the form of findings the rest of drying coffee mill (coffee beans) near the mosque Baitul Makmur, village Wih Porak, Silih Nara, Central Aceh, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Province (Susilowati, 2007). Located in the astronomically 040 36.640 ° N and 0960 45.660 ° e (UTM 0251594 N 0510018 47). Coffee drying plant occupies of land measuring 110 m x 60 m, the former couple have now become integrated boarding school Darul Uini ground. On land there is the rest of the rest of the building Foundation, the rest of the wall of the building, the site of former watermills, and outdoor coffee places the drying process. [6]
The place of the waterwheel is marked with 3 pieces of berketebalan wall 15 cm, height of about 2 m and is found on the surface of each of the 2 pieces of iron bolt which is estimated to be bertumpunya as the site of the Windmill. Near the site of the former watermills found two outdoor place of coffee processing, one of them measuring length of 2.65 m, width, 2.33 m high and approximately 1.25 m in the southern part there are water channels leading to the pond in the southern part. In addition there is also an outdoor wall of the former coffee grain dryer in the South end after the wall of water channels. On the walls there are still ex-hole pond in Northern waters. After independence the factory never left, then around 1960 's-1979 factory once run by PNP I, then the ownership switch to PT a la the last Silo and its land is now owned by estate Kab local government bodies. Central Aceh.
After Independence
In the second half of the 1950s, people began gardening Gayo coffee. In the period of the forest cleared for coffee Grounds. In 1972 the Central Aceh district recorded the largest coffee-production compared to other areas in the province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. Coffee grounds area of the Central Aceh district in 1972 in 19.962 ha. Coffee plantations Regency Bener Meriah (expansion of Kab. Central Aceh and Aceh Tengah) is the most prominent economic artery, in addition to trade vegetables such as cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, chilli and chocolate. As an export commodity, in Central Aceh 27.953 families rely on their coffee with extensive cultivation acreage 46.392 ha, and with an average of 720.7 kg/ha/year (BPS Kab. 2005: Central Aceh 131-145). The prolonged conflict causing at least 6.440 ha of land, leaving the coffee and 5.037 family who lost their jobs.
After the conflict subsided and the signing of the peace agreement, RI-GAM in late 2005, coffee farmers are now starting to dare a coffee farm in the Park which is located far away on the slopes of the mountain, not just to plant coffee on the home page. The selling price of coffee per-though influenced world-coffee prices are relatively stable and steadily strengthened since the trade route between Bireun-Takengon-Lhoksemauwe-Terrain vehicles can pass without great risk. Now, the activity of the coffee plantations started to bounce back and has now become the backbone of the economy in the lively centre of Gayo Lues Regency of Aceh Regency and Bener.
Arabica coffee from the Gayo Plains, have been known to the world because it has a distinctive taste with a main characteristics include a complex aroma and flavor and viscosity. International scientific Coffee Conference, Bali, October 2010 Gayo Highlands coffee nominates this as the best no. 1 [4], than the Arabica coffee that comes from somewhere else.
The International Market
Gayo coffee is quite famous in the world because it has the aroma and enjoyment that is typical and if on letterhead or test taste and aroma in the area almost has the taste of coffee gayo that exists throughout the world, caused by the altitude factor and some of the aspects that make the best gayo coffee, this is evidenced by gayo coffee several times awarded as the best coffee in the world. Although the crisis in Europe, does not reduce the request origin Gayo lands of plateau in the world market. A copy of the most expensive coffee is also gayo real world at the time of the exhibition of the World Coffee Organization held Specialty Coffee Association of America (TRADESHOW) in Portland, Oregon Convention Center, United States. The largest coffee export destination country of origin Land Gayo Highlands that include Central Aceh district, namely, Bener Meriah and Gayo Lues Regency which the United States and the European Union.
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