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Urgent Pakistan family anticipates US visa for 6-year-old young lady

A frantic Pakistani family tensely anticipating a US visa for their debilitated young lady is coming up short on time: Maria is only six years of age yet an uncommon hereditary ailment has abandoned her slight body wracked with torment and hindered her development. 

Before long she will be not able walk since her vertebrae are compacting her spinal rope. 

A US doctor's facility has offered to play out a surgery with the expectation of complimentary that could fundamentally enhance Maria's nature of her life, however the American Embassy in Islamabad has so far twice declined to give the family visas to go to the United States, said the young lady's dad, Shahid Ullah addressing The Associated Press by telephone from Rawalpindi in Pakistan. 

When he presented a visa application once more, he was let it know will "require some investment," he said. Disappointed and unnerved, Ullah has now swung to an American attorney, Facebook and the media for help, beginning a battle he says could be his girl's final resort. 

The surgery in the US has been booked for Nov. 2 and Ullah is begging any individual who will listen that Maria's "case is distinctive." 

"In the event that we defer Maria's surgery, there will be excessively numerous issues," said Ullah, who runs a little store offering covers in the town of Rawalpindi, close to the capital of Islamabad. He said Maria must be in the United States by next Wednesday for pre-surgery tests. 

He said he set out on the convoluted mission to discover help for Maria almost four years back, looking into her condition, sending her blood and pee tests to research centers in India and Germany, associated with groups of kids with similar issue, known as Morquio Syndrome. 

Through the web, he found specialists with ability in Maria's condition and families with youngsters who experience the ill effects of an indistinguishable malady from nations from far as Chile, Britain and America controlled him to the Nemours/Alfred I DuPont Hospital for Children in Wilmington, Delaware. 

"From everywhere throughout the world guardians with kids with similar infection helped me, they were so kind," he said. Families with youngsters like Maria likewise aroused behind Ullah and started swarm subsidizing on Facebook . 

Not at all like in past endeavors to get a US visa, when Ullah connected for the whole family and was let us know powers dreaded they would not come back to Pakistan, this time he said he connected for a visa for Maria, himself and his better half. He wants to leave his other two kids, a 7-year-old little girl and a 2-year-old kid, behind with relatives amid their stay in America, which is required to take five months. 

"I don't recognize what to do . . . who should I contact," he says. "Maria is in a considerable measure of agony now ... she can no longer hold a pencil or a pen." 

US Embassy representative Fleur S. Cowan declined to remark on Maria's case, refering to security laws, yet said she would investigate the matter. In Washington, the State Departments said visa records are private under US law and that it proved unable "remark on the specifics of an individual visa case." 

The Delaware healing center initially decreased the cost of the US$100,000 surgery to $82,000, Ullah said, however when it was clear he couldn't manage the cost of it, the Nemours Foundation said it would take care of the full expense of the method. 

"The expectation is to do the surgery for the youngster . . . with no cost to the family," said Chris Manning, who is with the Nemours Children's Health System advertising division, including that the doctor's facility has done various surgeries, for example, the one required for Maria. 

He included that the clinic likewise sent documentation to the international safe haven in Pakistan to encourage Ullah's visa application. 

Melissa Harms, a California legal counselor, offered to help ace bono when she knew about Maria's inconveniences from a customer whose youngster has similar confusion. 

"I was horrified," she said. In an email to The Associated Press Harms said that lodging for the family in the US has been organized and "the carrier tickets have been given." 

"The majority of this will go to squander on the off chance that we can't get these visas affirmed for the current week," she said.
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